PDT® Life Cycle Assessment

PDT® Digital certificate on blockchain

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Newster System S.r.l.
Verifying certificate...

PDT® - It is a registered trademark owned by IQC srl. PDT certification is a process of analysis, detection and subsequent digital representation of the results, referring to organizations, processes, products and people. The PDT® certification with Blockchain technology makes visible, where possible with digital detection, the state of things in support of performance statements.

Click here for further information about the certification PDT® Life Cycle Assessment

Newster System S.r.l.

Cerasolo di Coriano

Newster Group è uno dei leader europei nella produzione e commercializzazione di apparecchiature certificate e brevettate che offrono risposte ecologiche per risolvere i problemi legati all'igiene ospedaliera con una gamma di prodotti in grado di soddisfare tutte le esigenze sanitarie per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti. Newster prepara progetti in partnership con organizzazioni internazionali, Università e strutture ospedaliere al fine di risolvere i problemi legati al trattamento dei rifiuti sanitari infettivi nelle strutture sanitarie legate alle emergenze umanitarie.

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Input/Output : kg of waste treated




Potentially infected medical waste (CER 18.01.03)

Monitoring start date: 11/07/2022

View history




Undifferentiated Urban Waste (CER 23.03.01)

Monitoring start date: 11/07/2022

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Environmental Performance: Climate Change




Reduction of the Carbon Footprint calculated by the LCA study and compared to the total waste treated updated in real-time.

Monitoring start date: 11/07/2022

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Equivalent to the carbon absorbed by*:

Tree seedlings

grown for 10 years

Equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions avoided by*:

Tons of waste recycled

instead of landfilled

LED bulbs

replacing the traditional ones

Other environmental performance




Reduction of the "energy carriers" indicator calculated by the LCA study and compared to the total waste treated updated in real-time.

Monitoring start date: 11/07/2022

View history

Corresponding to the annual electricity consumption of**:


of an average Italian family




Reduction of the EPI index by the indicated quantity (each unit corresponds to the annual environmental pollution of a person). EPI values ​​calculated by the LCA study and compared to the total waste treated updated in real-time.

Monitoring start date: 11/07/2022

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Release date


Release date: 07/11/2022

Valid through


Valid through: 06/09/2026

First release date


First release date: 06/09/2021


Obtains this PDT® digital certificate the organization that has quantified the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service through a life cycle study (Life Cycle Assessment – LCA) and provides for the initial and periodic monitoring of potential environmental impacts during the entire lifetime, as declared in the PDT® digital certificate issued in Blockchain by IQC Srl


To highlight the contribution of the Company to the sustainable development, relating the informative management of the environmental performances of the own product/process/service with environmental claims and the characteristics declared in the PDT digital certificate. The continuous and discreet detection of the relevant information allow the trackability, the evolution monitoring and the assurance of inalterability and immutability of the characteristics declared in the PDT® digital certificate in Blockchain

Reference standard

• ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management – Assessment of the life cycle – Principles and framework of reference • ISO 14044:2006 – Environmental Management – Assessment of the life cycle – Requirements and guidelines

LCA study made by

Università Politecnica delle Marche – Life and Environmental Sciences (DISVA)

Subject of the LCA study

Environmental sustainability analysis of different management strategies for potentially infectious healthcare waste

LCA study goals

Newster System S.r.l. has developed an innovative system of sterilization of potentially infectious healthcare waste that can be used directly at the health facility. At the end of the treatment, the waste can be classified as an urban waste (CER 20.03.01), suited to be dispose at appropriate landfills or incinerators. The high performances of this sterilization system avoid the most common management for potentially infectious healthcare waste (stored in special containers), which includes a daily transport to special waste incinerators. This study has taken into consideration the specific case of an accredited facility in the Rimini province, which has installed the Newster System S.r.l. sterilizer as an alternative to traditional management of potentially infectious healthcare waste

System Perimeter

First Scenario: waste treated in the Newster sterilizer Second Scenario: untreated waste, assessed in the dual use scenario of PP containers (scenario 2a) and PE envelopes contained in cardboard boxes (scenario 2b)

Cut-Off criteria

The production phase of the sterilizer has been excluded from the system boundaries as it is considered to be amortised by the minimum instrument lifetime of at least 10 years. Instead, production and disposal of all consumable materials have been taken into account

Functional Unit

The selected functional unit is represented by the daily quantity that is treated by the sterilizer at the facility in Rimini, which is equal to 240 kg of waste (4 treatments of 60 kg per day)


The study highlighted a significant environmental advantage of the solution proposed by Newster System S.r.l., compared to the most common management system of potentially infectious healthcare waste. The main strengths that have been identified in this case of study are: - The amount reduction of urban solid waste to be managed - The waste classification from sterilization as urban solid waste which allows it to be treated in common waste-to-energy plants - Simpler waste management avoids daily dedicated transport - Abolition of disposable containers. These strengths are emphasized in cases where the hospital sanitary waste needs to be treated in waste incinerators for hazardous waste away from the production site

Summary of the LCA study results

First scenario: waste treated in the Newster sterilizer Second Scenario: untreated waste, assessed in the dual use scenario of PP containers (scenario 2a) and PE envelopes contained in cardboard boxes (scenario 2b)

Impact on climate change

First scenario: waste treated in the Newster sterilizer Second Scenario: untreated waste, assessed in the dual use scenario of PP containers (scenario 2a) and PE envelopes contained in cardboard boxes (scenario 2b)

LCA study details

DISVA Report of June 29th, 2021 1. General aspects 1.1 Objective of the analysis 1.2 Purpose of LCA study, system boundaries and functional unit 2. Analysis of the inventory 3. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) 3.1 Classification and characterisation 3.2 Standardization and weighing 4. Conclusions